Course Block Scenarios
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In this scenario, we want to block a course based on completion of another course.
Setup Steps
Add an unlock condition
When to unlock this?: Course/Bundle Completed
Course/Bundle to Complete: The course that you are requiring to be completed example: "Basic Obedience"
Setup your individual course pages for the courses that are to be block so that the student cannot access the course from the course landing page
This is great when you may have a foundational course that you want everyone to take before they move into to another course.
Setup Steps
Add a Course Block section to the Student Dashboard
In the Type of Block settings group, choose
What should be blocked: Everything but... (below)
Everything But... Course/Bundle: The course/bundle that you want to NOT block. example: "Basic Obedience"
Add an unlock condition
When to unlock this?: Course/Bundle Completed
Course/Bundle to Complete: The course that you are requiring to be completed example: "Basic Obedience"
Setup your individual course pages for the courses that are to be block so that the student cannot access the course from the course landing page
In this scenario, you may want to block a set of courses until another set of courses is completed.
Setup Steps
Add a Course Block section to the Student Dashboard
Create a draft bundle "Level 1" (if you do not have one already) that includes that will define what is required to be completed
Create a second draft bundle: "Level 2" that will define what courses will be blocked until all courses in Level 1 will be completed
In the Type of Block settings group, choose
What should be blocked: Course or Bundle
Course/Bundle to Block: The bundle that you want to block. example: "Level 2"
Add an unlock condition
When to unlock this?: Course/Bundle Completed
Course/Bundle to Complete: The bundle that you are requiring to be completed example: "Level 1"
Setup your individual course pages for the courses that are to be block so that the student cannot access the course from the course landing page
If you do not have "Bundles" on your Thinkific plan, then you can use multiple individual Course Blocks to accomplish the same thing.