SmartText Personalization

One of the superpowers that SmartText includes is the ability to personalize the page base on user specific information.

  • Inject the person's name into headings to grab their attention

  • Insert key user details you may have tagged in your email marketing system into your sales pages to become more persuasive and increase your chances for sales conversions.

Types of SmartText Personalization

  • ****First Name: this will either be automatically retrieved and used by SmartText once the user has signed in. Otherwise it can be used along with a SmartLink that has include the first_name url parameter

  • ****Custom Attributes: you can provide up to 5 different custom attributes to be used in SmartTags. To use custom attributes, you have to first create a SmartLink that contains the st1,st2,st3,st4,st5 url parameters. These would normally be set from your email marketing platform as either tags or custom fields. You can also share links manually with these attributes if you know the audience you are sharing them with.

When SmartLink's are used with url parameters, we attempt to store them into the user's browser so that can be used on other pages or return visits without the need to always providing the url parameters.

Last updated